
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Women's reaches their peak beautiful at 31

They are no doubt the fair sex, but women look most beautiful at the age of 31, a new study has claimed.
Researchers have found that women in their late 20s and early 30s are considered more attractive than fresh-faced 18 and 19-year-olds -- and they reach the peak of their beauty at the age of 31.
The findings, from a survey of the opinions of over 2,000 men and women, found that beauty was as much rooted in personality as appearance, 'The Daily Telegraph' reported.
When asked when women are at their most attractive, more people picked 31 than any other age. Beauty was defined as being confident by 70 per cent of respondents, having good looks by 67 per cent and being stylish by 47 per cent.


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